While it doesn't feel like winter ever started... It's finally ending. Spring started on the 20th and I couldn't be happier.
Speaking of happy... Spencer and I dropped by the happiest place on earth on the last day or winter:

Even the ducks seem to be excited for spring 🌸
Anyways, back to Spring... With coachella coming up I decided to make my own flower crown. Flower crowns are popping up everywhere in online stores, but they're so easy (and fun!) to make at home! Clare, Clinton, and I made our own the other day taking inspiration from Lana Del Rey and flower girl Los Angeles (http://flowergirllosangeles.com).
Want to make your own? First pick a color theme. Head over to your local craft store and pick out at least three different flowers (different sizes and shades of colors) and one type of leaf or vine. Next you need flower wire and some green ribbon. Size the wire around your head to measure the size of the crown (leave some extra room). Next, start to lay down your bigger flowers and tie them down with your ribbon. I wove some ivy around my crown first, then layered the flowers down by size.
Clare went for bigger flowers for a different effect;
I couldn't wait for Coachella to wear mine, so I wore it on the first day of Spring 😊
Bra: Gooseberry Intimates
I also started growing some tiny plants on my balcony so I can start to use fresh herbs when I'm cooking!
Here's to new beginnings!!
Thursday marked my seventh day with tiny tea as well. Here's my progress! Day 1, day 3 and day 7!
I'm so excited!! Time for beach time all the time!! Get ready for some new beach posts ❤️
Last night was the Wolfgang Puck dinner.
Every single course was unbelievable! When I get more pictures I'll do a post just on the dinner but for now here's some dessert 😋
I wore a flowy crop top from Brandy Melville and my favorite Clover Canyon pants (below).
More food pictures to come
Ciao ciao,
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